Meet Reagan


“Reagan is my son and is currently battling stage 4 high risk neuroblastoma,” Rebecca wrote to us in December 2019. “He has two major tumors (skull and adrenal gland) and lesions all throughout his body.”

“He’s getting ready to start round 4 chemo and has battled each round like a champ. Through each treatment he fights on never letting it win,” said Rebecca.

“He's got a great outlook and an awesome smile and showcases that every chance he gets. The hardest part of this has been not being able to go to school. Reagan is very social and being confined to home has been tough for him. He misses people. He misses his friends. His cup is filled by the presence of others.”

”Reagan is also a very thoughtful child. He loves to receives gifts when in the hospital - it lifts his spirits,” said Rebecca. To share that experience with others, he organized a toy drive over the holidays to collect gifts for other kids in the chemo ward.

Reagan passed away in August 2020 at age 9.

In his memory, his family provides ‘Battle Packs’ to kids newly diagnosed with cancer. You can follow his family on Facebook at Our Ray of Sunshine.