September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month


Childhood Cancer Awareness Month is a time when we celebrate survivors, applaud our community’s hard-fought progress in treatment and care, remember the children we’ve lost, and engage new advocates to join in our mission of achieving a day when every child with cancer can live a long and healthy life.

Over 1,000 American families will hear the words “your child has cancer” this month alone. And when you're that parent, the world feels like it's closing in on you. It's lonely and stressful, and you need to know that people care.

Visit our Childhood Cancer Awareness Month webpage to see how you can show these families that you care. From making a donation to spreading awareness with our shareable graphics, every small action helps create a big impact.

And when you make a gift of $25 or more to Children's Cancer Cause during September, we will send you a red grocery tote bag as our way of saying "thank you." Looking for other ways to give? We have lots of options!

You are the reason we are able to accomplish big things for kids with cancer. From fighting for better, less-toxic treatments to hosting a meeting later this month for survivors struggling with heart health issues as a result of their diagnosis, you are making a difference.

Because you care, we are able to fight for kids with cancer as well as survivors with long-term health issues like cardiotoxicity.

Help spread awareness by engaging with us on social media! We’ll be sharing facts, stories, and events all month long: