Meet Leah

Leah was one of the finalists in 2019 for the College Scholars Program. This is an excerpt from her application essay, shared here with her consent.

When people hear cancer, they think of beanies and masks — but that is the simple stuff.


Cancer for me has meant: being unable to eat because of mouth ulcers; having a prolonged cold because my immune system is not fully working; being woken up in the middle of the night because of pain; being unable to walk because my knees won’t allow it; sleepless nights; and so much more.

Shortly after my senior year of school began, I was hospitalized with Stage 4B Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Tours of college campuses were replaced by six months of chemotherapy and possible radiation. Advanced science courses were replaced by physical therapy and yoga. The hype of senior year was replaced with yet another needle poke.

Going through such an obstacle has not only taught me perseverance but refined the meaning of determination for me. I pushed through the painful side effects of steroids and chemotherapy to complete classwork, apply to colleges, and keep up with my social life. Although I’ve had my hard days where all I want to do is scream and cry, I’ve learned that picking myself up and pushing through this battle made me stronger. With endless help and support from my friends and family, I’ve been able to keep a positive mindset about the future.