Amplify the Impact of Childhood Cancer Action Day


Childhood Cancer Action Day is here! This annual event is hosted by the Alliance for Childhood Cancer, a policy coalition that Children’s Cancer Cause has been a part of since its founding. We are proud to be leading three groups of advocates in their Capitol Hill meetings today, to help amplify their powerful stories and send a united message to Congress about childhood cancer priorities.

If you’re not signed up to participate in Hill meetings today, don’t worry! You can still make an impact from home. Use our action alerts to ask your own Members of Congress to support today’s three main community requests:

  1. Support Federal Funding for Childhood Cancer Programs: Urge Congress to provide significant funding increases for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and National Cancer Institute (NCI) and to fully support childhood cancer programs. Specifically, we ask Congress to provide $49.048 billion for NIH, including $7.766 billion for NCI, $30 million for the Childhood Cancer STAR Act, and $50 million for the Childhood Cancer Data Initiative. TAKE ACTION.

  2. Cosponsor the Childhood Cancer STAR Reauthorization Act: On June 5, 2018, the Childhood Cancer STAR Act was signed into law – the most comprehensive childhood cancer bill in history. The STAR Act expands opportunities for childhood cancer research, improves efforts to identify and track childhood cancer incidences, and enhances the quality of life for childhood cancer survivors. TAKE ACTION.

  3. Cosponsor the Accelerating Kids’ Access to Care Act: Children with cancer often require specialized care from a specific provider or facility that may not be available in their home state. Some patients face burdensome, unnecessary delays in accessing time-sensitive care, including clinical trial enrollment, outside of their home state, which can unfortunately cause a child's condition to worsen. TAKE ACTION.

Please also join us on Twitter today! Follow along with hashtag #ActionDay2022. Sample tweet:

I’m joining childhood cancer advocates from across the country for #ActionDay2022 to ask Congress to fund childhood cancer research, support the Accelerating Kids' Access to Care Act, and reauthorize the Childhood Cancer STAR Act, the most comprehensive #ChildhoodCancer bill in history.

Thank you for being a strong voice for kids with cancer, today and every day. Together, we’re making childhood cancer a national priority.